Monday, May 27, 2013

Barack Obama Was High on Cocaine During “The Missing Hours” of the Benghazi Attack Last September

Yesterday, Rich Lowry at Politico wrote about “The Mystery Night” on September 11th, 2012 when the current US President disappeared for many hours and was seemingly unavailable…despite the fact that the first US Ambassador in 30 years had been murdered in the line of duty. Lowry wonders where Barack Obama disappeared to that fateful night…and why White House aide Dan Pfeiffer insists it’s “irrelevant” where Obama was in those missing hours.

If you’ve ever known anyone who is a drug addict, you’d see it’s obvious that Barack Obama was high on cocaine the night of Benghazi; it is the only logical explanation for his disappearance and the White House’s refusal to comment on what he was doing at the time. Since this was a night of great crisis for our country, the only logical reason that the White House won’t explain where the president was is if this man was high as a kite on illegal narcotics at the time.

Lowry did a great job in his article fleshing out the last time Obama was seen on September 11th of last year…and then noting when he reappeared again the next day, briefly, before jetting off to fabulous Las Vegas for a fun-and-games fundraiser event he had scheduled there (where, it also should be noted, not only Chippendales but also Thunder From Down Under male revues are regularly held…which certainly establishes the appeal of heading to Las Vegas instead of managing a national crisis back in Washington for this particular president).

According to Lowry’s timeline:
* Obama appeared sober on 9/11/12 at 5pm EST when he met with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey. I have never been able to shake the feeling that Barack Obama was woefully disappointed when he learned that Gen. Dempsey has nothing to do with either marijuana or penises in his capacity as the Chairman of the “Joint” Chiefs of “Staff”. But, I presume he would not have done cocaine before meeting with these two military men. Obama appears to have been still functional and ambulatory at 5pm that day.

* Lowry says that Obama learned of the death of US Ambassador Chris Stevens at this meeting…before Obama disappeared for many hours. These are the mystery “missing hours” that the White House refuses to talk about.

* Obama next emerged from cloister at 10pm EST 9/11/12 when he spoke with Hillary Clinton; it’s not stated if this was in person or if it was on the phone, but it sure feels like Obama was out of his mind on drugs when this happened. Clinton would never bust him on this (because she can never say a bad word about this man if she wants to secure the black vote in 2016), but even people on a late-80s-Wall-Street-grade binge of cocaine can talk on the phone for a few minutes. I’m sure when Obama was speaking to her that he imagined she’d morphed into some sort of dragon or a Hydra from Greek Mythology…because she probably read him the riot act over being on drugs when the Benghazi debacle was happening.

* Obama then went missing until the next morning. No doubt, he was still having nightmare flashbacks of Hillary Clinton screaming at him.

* Lowry then says Obama was next spotted at 1035am EST on 9/12/12 when he pretended the Benghazi attack was about some YouTube video…and then he disappeared again until he boarded his plane for fabulous Las Vegas at 220pm EST later that day.
Read more at Hill Buzz

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